AU Computer Gaming Club

TigerLAN - Upcoming - A word on advertisement

Scorpion - Apr 27, 2011 - 06:14 PM
Post subject: A word on advertisement
Advertisement and sponsorships for TigerLAN have been lacking for some time now.

I propose a competitive solution. The twenty dollar gift cards for first place in a competition would do superbly as a reward.

It works something like this:

A point system is established. Example: One point for each proven physical advertisement (photo). Two points for each mention by an individual upon signing in at TigerLAN, twenty points for each proven sponsor.

On each physical advertisement make sure to add a location for a simple name (club handle) so the club member who put it in place can take credit for it. Make it noticeable.

On the sign-in sheet add a location for the name of the individual who told them about TigerLAN or who was responsible for the advertisement they noticed.

At the first TigerLAN meeting of the semester, the game is set. The competition is only available to club members and officers. The much underutilized PR officer is in charge of collecting the results as this falls under his/her area of responsibility.

The winner is announced at the end of TigerLAN and is presented with a reward for their service to the club.

Hopeful end-result:

Higher numbers for future TigerLANs bringing more donations into the club coffers.

More attention from sponsors, leading to easier access to prizes.

More attention from game designers/publishers potentially leading to some interesting partnerships.
LuckyNumbah7 - Apr 29, 2011 - 10:59 PM
Post subject: RE: A word on advertisement
I likes it. Way to use that crown, Mega-King.
jokeyxero - May 01, 2011 - 11:25 PM
Post subject: RE: A word on advertisement
Bandit - May 01, 2011 - 11:54 PM
Post subject: RE: A word on advertisement
make it so
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