AU Computer Gaming Club

King of the Net - (Spring 2004) KOTN: Call of Duty

Stick - Feb 07, 2004 - 06:58 PM
Post subject: (Spring 2004) KOTN: Call of Duty
How should AUCGC handle a Call of Duty King of the Net game? Thoughts and suggestions?

Keep in mind that we have UT2k3 as a DeathMatch game, I think we should somehow incorporate teamplay into the Call of Duty match...

what are your thoughts on:
Team Deathmatch
Behind Enemy Lines
Search and Destroy

What maps to use, how to distribute points, etc, etc
jokeyxero - Feb 08, 2004 - 10:46 PM
Post subject:
Why not CoD deathmatch and UT2K3 Bombing Run?
Stick - Feb 09, 2004 - 03:27 AM
Post subject:
Here a thought:
given, let's say, an hour and a half of gaming goodness, how about 6 15 minute team games, tdm, sd, and bel. hq if we can update the game. Teams (and axis/ally) are randomly decided each time by everyone clicking autoassign. Sure, sometimes the team might get stacked, but over six games it should be fairly even. At the end of each round you get your score + the team's score, or perhaps your score + team's score/number on team.

Having 6 mini games with 6 different maps with 6 different teams means the real champion should float to the top. Also, your main interest each time is for your team to win (for the big points), and getting the personal glory is only second. This would encourage team play each game.

jokeyxero - Feb 09, 2004 - 05:32 AM
Post subject:
I could float off something like that...
Stick - Feb 13, 2004 - 09:20 PM
Post subject: Mod and patch...
I'd really like to try and patch our CoD. Two major things that would add:

jumping: when you jump it slows you down for a fraction of a second, so bunny hopping around during a gun fight a la CounterStrike becomes less of a useable tactic.

HeadQuarters: if you haven't played CoD HQ, it's one of my favorite, and I think a very fair and challenging team game. I would love to include this as one of the matches, and if we were to only have one game, I would ask for this one. Alas, it's only with the patch.

There is a Mod out there, PAM 104b, that was designed for tournament play. I suggest we get this and start using it. One very big thing it does is waits for everyone to connect, and select a weapon before starting the round, so the person who connects first doesn't get an advantage. I think there are other subtle changes that you won't notice but that will be very tournament friendly.
Stick - Feb 13, 2004 - 09:22 PM
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