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Articles: Organizational Meeting This Friday (Nov 5, 2004)

Published: Nov 01, 2004 - 08:54 AM

As usual, there will be an organizational meeting at 8:00PM this Friday 5 Novemember 2004 for the AU Computer Gaming Club. It will be in Haley Center 3233 (the same room as the meetings). Gaming will stop for about an hour and then start back up afterwards.

This meeting will cover suggestions for game changes, game purchases, a TigerLAN review, and any other general suggestions and questions. This meeting will be open for all members and everyone is asked to attend so that your voice is heard. If you are unable to attend please remember that suggestions and votes can be done by proxy if you wish.

Club Meetings

Auburn University
Computer Gaming Club

Club Disbanded
Want to revive it?
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LAN Party

TigerLAN 42
6-8 May 2022
AUCGC Discord
Auburn University
Auburn, Alabama

TigerLAN Sponsors
