Articles: Main Minutes from Feb 2004 O-Meeting
Published: Feb 06, 2004 - 08:49 PM

King of the Net Prizes for Spring 2004
1st place: $50 Gift certificate to
2nd place: $25 Gift certificate to
King of the Net Games for Spring 2004
Worms: Armageddon (TBA)
Call of Duty (TBA)
Rise of Nations (Standard Victory)
Mechwarrior 4 (Deathmatch)
Unreal Tournament 2003 (Deathmatch)
Images Changes
Remove: Jedi Academy
Add: Giants, AvP Gold
Submit others to the list or to the forums
Gamer's FTP will be replaced by website's Downloads section
1st place: $50 Gift certificate to
2nd place: $25 Gift certificate to
King of the Net Games for Spring 2004
Worms: Armageddon (TBA)
Call of Duty (TBA)
Rise of Nations (Standard Victory)
Mechwarrior 4 (Deathmatch)
Unreal Tournament 2003 (Deathmatch)
Images Changes
Remove: Jedi Academy
Add: Giants, AvP Gold
Submit others to the list or to the forums
Gamer's FTP will be replaced by website's Downloads section