Website: Forums Should Be Back Up Soon
Published: Sep 22, 2004 - 03:42 PM

After harrassing the developers of PNphpBB2 for the last week I've been told that "baring something unexpected happening, [PNphpBB2 v1.2g for PostNuke 0.75] should be out by [25 Sept 2004]."
This translates into the forums being back up by Sunday (hopefully).
This translates into the forums being back up by Sunday (hopefully).
All of this stemmed from the upgrade to PostNuke 0.75 and the complete lack of warning on the PNphpBB2 site that forum version 1.2f would not work with 0.75, more specifically the 'new' Xanthia/pnRender engine.
If anyone has a recommendation for a CMS other than Postnuke feel free to thread it here or on the forums (when they are active again). The only requirement we ask is a link to a Postnuke to [CMS Suggestion] migration script so I can test it. Contrary to popular belief as of late, e107 does NOT have a *Nuke to e107 migration script. Also, if the system is not at least as robust as Postnuke, don't waste our time. We're only looking for a combo of 1) more secure 2) more developer support 3) quick security patches. If it's not at least equal to Postnuke on everything else (skinnable required, though Xanthia or similar is not) then logically why would we care to downgrade? Thanks.
If anyone has a recommendation for a CMS other than Postnuke feel free to thread it here or on the forums (when they are active again). The only requirement we ask is a link to a Postnuke to [CMS Suggestion] migration script so I can test it. Contrary to popular belief as of late, e107 does NOT have a *Nuke to e107 migration script. Also, if the system is not at least as robust as Postnuke, don't waste our time. We're only looking for a combo of 1) more secure 2) more developer support 3) quick security patches. If it's not at least equal to Postnuke on everything else (skinnable required, though Xanthia or similar is not) then logically why would we care to downgrade? Thanks.