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Articles: TigerLAN 10 Announcements

Published: Mar 05, 2006 - 11:58 PM

TigerLAN 10

22-23 April 2006

Open at 10:00, 22 April

Close at 23:00, 23 April

Foy Student Union Exhibit Lounge

Auburn University

Auburn, Alabama

$10 to play (Ladies free), $10 more to compete


Competition Polls [here]

TigerLAN 10 Registration [here]

TigerLAN 10 Flyer [here]

Interactive Room Demo (not finalized) [here]

Directions [here]


Club Meetings

Auburn University
Computer Gaming Club

Club Disbanded
Want to revive it?
Want to chat or LFG?
Find alumni help on Discord.

LAN Party

TigerLAN 42
6-8 May 2022
AUCGC Discord
Auburn University
Auburn, Alabama

TigerLAN Sponsors
