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Articles: TigerLAN 13 Competition Polls Are Open

Published: Sep 04, 2007 - 10:43 PM

The TigerLAN 13 competition polls are open and run until 2 October. TL13's competition categories are:


- PC Team FPS


- Wii

- XBox 360

- PS3

- Ryan "Stick" Stich Memorial

The polls are in the TigerLAN subforum on the AUCGC forums. Every account gets one vote per category. But you've only got until 2 October to get you and your friends' votes in! So as Al Capone once said, "vote early and vote often!"

TL13 Forums are here.

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TigerLAN 42
6-8 May 2022
AUCGC Discord
Auburn University
Auburn, Alabama

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