The PM button in the forums isn't working correctly for the time being. In order to send a message, you'll have to use the "My Messages" link in the left menu. We'll let you know when this hitch is fixed.
Published: Jan 16, 2011 - 02:42 PM

Sorry about the delay, but the polls are now up. Voting ends September 25!
Published: Sep 10, 2010 - 06:45 PM

The website is back up from its maintenance. Some fairly massive upgrades took place. There are still a few bugs in some of the links that we know about and those will be taken care of over the course of the upcoming week. The new look of the site is not permanent either, it will be getting a few tweaks soon starting with the column widths so that you can actually read the forums.
If there are any issues that are preventing you from using a feature, then either message
jokeyxero or start a topic
Published: Sep 09, 2010 - 02:46 AM

The website will be down a few hours tonight for maintenance.
Published: Sep 07, 2010 - 09:08 PM

Hey guys, sorry for the delay in the forums being updated. We're having technical issues with the forums, but they should be cleared up quickly. I'll let you know when they're ready.
Published: Sep 06, 2010 - 11:39 PM