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Articles: AUCGC Officially Disbanded After 25 Years

Chartered: 1996 Fall
First Meeting: 1997, March 8
TigerLAN: 2001 Fall - 2019 Fall (in-person), 2022 May (virtual)
Transitioned to virtual and TigerWAN: 2020 February
Disbanded: 2022 July
AUCGC was founded in the fall of 1996 by Ryan "Stick" Stich who ushered in the club's vibe of social gaming and innovative gameplay. The first official meeting occurred Saturday, 8 March 1997, and was attended by David aka WarHammer, Will aka Speed, Jason aka Charlie Brown, Jeremy aka Psychosia, Ryan aka Stick, Steve aka Beavis, and John aka Victor. Stick graduated in May 1998. Cary "Bandit" Pool helped the club get its permanent charter in November 1999. Jason "xero" McDonald founded and ran the first TigerLAN in Fall 2001. Stick returned in Spring 2004 to finish his graduate degree, rekindled the original vibe, and graduated again in Fall 2005. Tragically, Stick passed away in November 2006 in a motorcycle accident. The Stick Memorial Competition began at the next TigerLAN (12) in April 2007 to honor his memory and creative gameplay. Regular weekly club meetings and twice-annually TigerLANs continued until the COVID-19 pandemic disrupted them. Club adapted by shifting to virtual meetings via Discord, and also tongue in cheek transitioning TigerLAN to TigerWAN. Unfortunately, the virtual format just wasn't as sticky as the in person one and club participation fell to unsustainable levels. The club remains fond in the memories of over 50 officers, 1,000 alumni, 3,000 TigerLAN guests, and all the university staff that made it possible over the years.
Still want your gaming fix at Auburn? The social-focused Computer Gaming Club is succeeded by its more competitive sibling the Auburn ESports club. Check them out here:
Real heroes respawn!
Published: Oct 10, 2023 - 12:13 AM
Articles: NO CLUB MEETING ON 10/7/2011

Published: Oct 05, 2011 - 04:12 PM
Read more about NO CLUB MEETING ON 10/7/2011
(27 more word(s))
Articles: TigerLan 21 Voting is Now Up! Go Check It Out!

Published: Aug 31, 2011 - 03:53 PM
Read more about TigerLan 21 Voting is Now Up! Go Check It Out!
(8 more word(s))
Articles: TigerLAN polls are now up!

Published: Sep 10, 2010 - 06:45 PM
Articles: Voting Delayed

Published: Sep 06, 2010 - 11:39 PM
Articles: In response to Kotu...

Published: Sep 04, 2010 - 05:44 PM
Read more about In response to Kotu...
(300 more word(s))
Articles: Freedom of Speech, Freedom to game!

Basically, it's to do with the gaming violence laws that morons keep trying to pass; but, this time, it has reached Supreme Court... :(
Published: Sep 02, 2010 - 08:21 PM
Articles: TigerLAN 19 Date Announced

Published: Jul 02, 2010 - 12:17 AM
Articles: Important to new people.

Published: Mar 28, 2010 - 09:08 PM
Articles: TigerLAN 18 Competition Polls Are Open

Published: Mar 28, 2010 - 09:01 PM
Articles: Visit the Auburn University Computer Gaming Club

Then you need to visit the Auburn University Computer Gaming Club. Every Friday night, a group of gamers sit together in the same room and fight it out in new and creative ways. And none of them have to bring any computers or games with them, they just show up.
Drinking a couple of beers and IMing with friends is not nearly as much fun as actually drinking with your friends -- gaming is the same way, it's a lot more fun in person.
The Computer Gaming Club (aka Gamers Club) meets every Friday in Haley Center room 3233/3223 from 7:00 PM until whenever. The only thing you'll need to bring is headphones.
Published: Jan 09, 2010 - 11:28 AM
Articles: TigerLAN 17 This Weekend!

Let's pwn some no0bs!
Published: Oct 01, 2009 - 10:19 PM
Articles: Halo 3 & Guitar Hero World Tournament in Auburn, AL!!
University Village is hosting its very own Halo 3 tournament on Saturday October 10, 2009 starting at noon. It will be a FFA (free for all) with a double elimination bracket. They will only be taking the first 60 people who sign up. There will be cash prizes for the top 3 winners. They are also are hosting a Guitar Hero battle of guitarist that day. This will be single elimination but the top 3 guitarist will receive cash prizes as well. To sign up give them a call at (334) 887-8740 or register via email:
Published: Sep 26, 2009 - 01:25 AM
Articles: TigerLAN 17 Competition Polls Now Open

Published: Sep 06, 2009 - 03:45 AM
Articles: TigerLAN 16 Dates Announced and Registration Open

TigerLAN 16
4-5 April 2009
Rooms 2222/2223
Auburn Student Union
Auburn University
Auburn, Alabama
[More Information]
Published: Feb 02, 2009 - 07:30 PM
Articles: TigerLAN 15 pictures have been posted

Published: Nov 06, 2008 - 12:50 AM
Articles: TigerLAN 15 Pre-registration is up!

TigerLAN 15
18-19 October 2008
Auburn Student Union Rooms 2222/2223
Auburn University
Auburn, Alabama
$5/per day for gaming, $10 extra if you want to compete. Dues paying members only need to pay for competition rights (ie, two days of gaming for free).
Competition polls are up on the forums, go VOTE for what you want to play!
Hope to see you and your friends there next week!
Published: Oct 08, 2008 - 11:42 PM
Articles: TigerLAN 14 - Date Confirmed (12-13 April 2008)

For more details, see the forums.
Published: Jan 28, 2008 - 03:10 PM
Articles: TigerLAN 14 - Call for Date Suggestions

See the date discussion topic here.
Welcome the new sponsor, Halo 3!
Published: Dec 05, 2007 - 11:45 PM
Articles: TigerLAN 13 - Competitions

Counter-Strike: Source
Unreal Tournament 2004
Halo 2
Warcraft III: Frozen Throne
Ridge Racer
Atomic Bomberman
WarioWare: Smooth Moves
The competitions are only a small part of TigerLAN. The format will be mostly open gaming on PC and console.
It's here! TigerLAN 13 is this weekend!
20-21 October 2007
Doors open at 10AM on the 20th and close at 11PM on the 21st.
See you there!
Published: Oct 18, 2007 - 09:35 PM
Articles: TigerLAN 13 Competition Polls Are Open

- PC Team FPS
- Wii
- XBox 360
- PS3
- Ryan "Stick" Stich Memorial
The polls are in the TigerLAN subforum on the AUCGC forums. Every account gets one vote per category. But you've only got until 2 October to get you and your friends' votes in! So as Al Capone once said, "vote early and vote often!"
TL13 Forums are here.
Published: Sep 04, 2007 - 10:43 PM
Articles: Ryan Stich Memory
Published: Jul 12, 2007 - 11:50 PM
Articles: TigerLAN 13 Date Thread

Some current suggestions:
6-7 Oct
17-18 Nov
Don't forget to include major campus events in your suggestions like football games and exams.
Published: Jun 01, 2007 - 09:26 AM
Articles: TigerLAN 12 Competition Polls Open

Here is the list and the links to the polls.
Get your votes in today because the polls won't be open forever!
Don't forget to let your friends know that the polls are up either, this is everyone's chance to decide on what gets played.
As a refresher:
21 April 2007
Foy Student Union, Auburn University
Auburn, Alabama
Quick Links
PC FPS: [here]
PC Team FPS: [here]
PC RTS: [here]
PS3: [here]
Wii: [here]
XBox 360: [here]
GameCube: [here]
PS2: [here]
XBox: [here]
Stick Memorial: [here]
(Yes, you read right, that's ten (10!) competitions!)
The Big List
Published: Jan 29, 2007 - 10:53 PM
Read more about TigerLAN 12 Competition Polls Open
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Articles: Club Founder, Ryan "Stick" Stich, Passed Away

Stick left behind a legacy of creative gaming and promotion of gaming in the community. He and a handful of others started the club in late 1996, the first official meeting was in 1997 and the club received a permanent charter from Auburn University in 1999. This not only makes the AUCGC the oldest university-sponsored computer gaming club in the country but also makes Ryan Stich a pioneer in the push to create a stable gaming community.
AUCGC has not yet determined exactly how it will memorialize him, but there will be something permanent. Talk has begun about creating a tournament at all future TigerLANs with Stick-style rules but the details are in flux. To make suggestions please see the forums ( ); there is a topic under Official Announcements titled "RIP Stick."
Our thoughts are with his family, fiancee, and friends in these tough times. If anyone wishes to contact them for any reason then please contact an AUCGC officer (Ack, Gouji, Coyote, LordByron, xero) so that they are not bombarded with random contacts. Thank you.
Stick, you will be missed sorely and we will try to continue your legacy of fun and creativity.
Published: Nov 20, 2006 - 10:33 PM