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Articles: TigerLAN 12 Date Announced

TigerLAN 12 will take place 21-22 April 2007.
Venue is the same as always, Room 217 in Foy Student Union at Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama.
Registration is online and the forums are teeming with talk about competitions, games, prizes, etc.
AUGamers Forums
Published: Oct 27, 2006 - 06:43 PM
Articles: TigerLAN 11 Competition Rules Announced

Dawn of War
Rockstar Table Tennis
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Guilty Gear
Dance Dance Revolution
Published: Sep 22, 2006 - 10:09 PM
Articles: TigerLAN 11 Registration Open and Competitions Finalized

30 September 2006
Open at 10:00, 30 September
Close at 22:00, 1 October
Foy Student Union Exhibit Lounge
Auburn University
Auburn, Alabama
$10 to play (Ladies free), $10 more to compete
TigerLAN 11 Registration [here]
Interactive Room Demo (not finalized) [here]
Directions [here]
PC FPS: UT 2004
PC RTS: Dawn of War: Winter Assault
X-Box: Guilty Gear
XB360: Rockstar Table Tennis
Team PC: Team Fortress 1.5
PS2: Dance Dance Revolution
GameCube: Super Smash Brothers: Melee
Other Games
Halo 2
Guitar Hero
Half-Life 2
Battlefield 2
Burnout 4
Call of Duty 2
And more!
Published: Aug 18, 2006 - 08:55 PM
Articles: Panda Security's Server Giveaway

Grand Prize
Dual AMD Opteron Server
10 Titanium Antivirus
Weekly Prizes
4 GeForce 7600GT video cards
4 Platinum Internet Security
Let's get club involved to try to win some of this gear for club, members, and TigerLAN. Go to the link above and enter your information. Select AUCGC as your clan and tell your friends and family. The more entries we have under that name the more likely we are to win.
Published: Aug 15, 2006 - 10:35 AM
Articles: TigerLAN 11 Competition Polls Open

Vote soon because the polls will close in a few weeks and then the games will be
set in stone. The polls are on the AUCGC Forums.
Vote now for TigerLAN XI competitions!
Team Game
Published: Jul 26, 2006 - 07:21 PM
Articles: TigerLAN 11 Date Announced

TigerLAN 11
30 Sept - 1 Oct 2006 (2 Days again!)
217 Foy Student Union
We are currently looking for sponsors for this event. If you or your company/organization would like to sponsor send an email to Jokeyxero or Ack vis this website or its forum. You may also submit it as a news item.
Published: Jun 13, 2006 - 10:08 PM
Articles: AUCGC Organization Picnic

xero wrote:
I'd like to have an organization picnic soon into the summer semester.
Dates could be 19 May (first Friday), 26 May (Friday before Memorial Day), or whenever.
Club could buy a few pizzas and drinks and members could bring other random food, standard picnic style stuff. (All of this would of course be eaten outside the lab...)
However, there are no chairs outside the lab and it's a small space and a bit sterile, so it's possible to have it somewhere else and at a different time.
Anyway, time and place don't matter.
The point is to get the members, the advisor, the admins, and any alumni that can make it together for a social event. That means you Roy, Paul, Mike, Bandit, T-BirD, Vector, Stick, X, Speed, etc. :P
Reply on the forums (and vote for an option) and let's discuss interest and options for time and place.
Forum here
Published: May 02, 2006 - 11:24 AM
Articles: No Meeting 28 April 2006

Lab has been scheduled for another purpose for the weekend.
We will resume meetings next week on Friday 5 May and continue them throughout the summer.
Hope to see everyone there!
PS - TigerLAN 10 was a success and much fun was had! Get ready for 11 in the Fall!
Published: Apr 27, 2006 - 05:05 PM
Articles: TL10 Competitions Finalized

Event schedule, volunteer work schedule: [here]
Competitions in order
Rome: Total War -or- Age of Empires III
Burnout 4
Counter-Strike 1.6
I'm OK
Half-Life 2
Super Smash Brothers: Melee
Unreal Tournament 2004
Halo 2
* RTW/AOE3: Voting was so close and small for these that they will be decided depending on how many sign up.
We've also decided to go with one-day passes for anyone who wants them.
$5 per day of gaming (ladies free)
$10 more gets you in all the competitions (or only the ones you want)
Published: Apr 10, 2006 - 05:30 PM
Read more about TL10 Competitions Finalized
(73 more word(s))
Articles: TigerLAN 10 Announcements

22-23 April 2006
Open at 10:00, 22 April
Close at 23:00, 23 April
Foy Student Union Exhibit Lounge
Auburn University
Auburn, Alabama
$10 to play (Ladies free), $10 more to compete
Competition Polls [here]
TigerLAN 10 Registration [here]
TigerLAN 10 Flyer [here]
Interactive Room Demo (not finalized) [here]
Directions [here]
Published: Mar 05, 2006 - 11:58 PM
Articles: TigerLAN 10 - Planning Meeting

Planning meeting for TigerLAN 10
13:00 (1PM) Saturday 11 February 2006
Burger King on Gay Street, Auburn, AL
Note, meeting will move into the TigerRags building next door after about 30min (xero's office) for computer usage.
TigerLAN overview
Competitions (3 PC, 3 console)
Schedule work schedule meeting
Competition rules
If you can't make this meeting time but wish to attend then refer to here.
Published: Feb 10, 2006 - 11:10 AM
Articles: No Meeting 03 Feb 2006

Hopefully everything will be up and running for next week.
Published: Feb 03, 2006 - 02:31 PM
Articles: First Meeting for Spring 2006

The first meeting of the semester will be this Friday, 13 Jan 2006, 7:00 PM.
At about 8:00 PM we will be holding officer elections and discussing what games to put on the image. Otherwise, we game.
Published: Jan 09, 2006 - 09:44 AM
Articles: Age of Empires 3 Tournament - 20 Nov

Age of Empires III Tournament,
20 Nov 2005, 3:00 PM
in Haley Center 3223.
You only need to bring headphones to compete (provided you want sound).
First place wins $100!
Published: Nov 08, 2005 - 09:25 PM
Articles: TigerLAN 9 Registration Open and Event Summary

5 November 2005
10:00 AM - Midnight
Foy Student Union Exhibit Lounge
Auburn University
Auburn, Alabama
$5 to play, $5 to compete, Ladies game for free
TigerLAN 9 Registration is open: Register Here
TigerLAN 9 Flyer is available: Get it here
TigerLAN 9 Interactive Room Demo: View Here (Not finalized)
TigerLAN 9 FAQ: Read it here
TigerLAN 9 Competition Recap:
Half-Life 2 Deathmatch (PC)
Battle for Middle Earth (PC)
Halo 2 (XBox)
Burnout 3 (PS2)
Super Smash Brothers Melee (Gamecube)
Unreal Tournament 2004 Deathmatch (PC) (Tentative)
The rules are here.
TigerLAN 9 Tentative Game Demos:
Age of Empires 3 (Official Sponsor)
Area 51
Soul Calibur 3
Age of Empires 3 Competitions:
12 November 2005 3:00 PM
20 November 2005 3:00 PM (Note this has moved from Nov 19!)
Haley Center 3223
Auburn University
Auburn, Alabama
Computers Provided
Cash Prizes and Food
More info to come
Published: Oct 26, 2005 - 12:09 AM
Articles: Fall Semester 2005 Parking at Auburn University

The AU policy:
The Summation:
Everything except Comer Hall, Facilities Division, Intramural Park, and the CDV will be closed. When asked specifically we were told that the parking lots surrounding Lowder will not be towed or ticketed. Those are the closest to Haley Center and are accessed via Donahue Dr. (to Dormitory Drive).
The Extras:
The Wilson parking lots in downtown Auburn are open to the public after 5:00 PM. This includes: behind TigerRags, Compass Bank lot, spots on College St. and Magnolia Ave., downtown Parking Deck area, and all the spots on the Wright Street.
AU Campus Map:
Map of the Areas In Question: Google Maps
Published: Sep 02, 2005 - 04:24 PM
Articles: TigerLAN 9 - Competitions Announced

Battle for Middle Earth (PC)
Halo 2 (XBox)
Burnout 3 (PS2)
Super Smash Brothers Melee (Gamecube)
Also there is a toss up between Half-Life 2 Deathmatch (PC) and Unreal Tournament 2004 Deathmatch (PC). Vote in this poll to have a say in the matter.
Aside from these competitions and the usual onslaught of games that are played, we know the following games will also be played:
Battlefield 2
Starwars Battlefront
Marvel vs Capcom (and probably the rest of the Capcom/SNK series)
Plus live demos of F.E.A.R. and a few other upcoming games.
Published: Aug 15, 2005 - 04:53 PM
Articles: Returns

If any user notices an error or bug then please inform a site admin.
Published: Jul 23, 2005 - 07:39 AM
Articles: No Meeting on July 1st

Published: Jul 01, 2005 - 09:34 AM
Articles: Summer Semester Meetings

The Computer Gaming Club will be meeting over the summer semesters and during the semester break.
There is a meeting this Friday and every Friday (usually) during the summer semesters.
When demand and availabilty exists we will also be meeting on Saturdays during the summer. A common time will be established soon but it appears as if it will be afternoon to late evening meetings.
Put up your suggestions in the forums.
If you're not in Auburn for the summer then have a great summer!
Published: May 13, 2005 - 01:57 PM
Articles: TigerLAN 9 - Date

Published: Apr 13, 2005 - 05:28 PM
Articles: TigerLAN 8 - Pre-Registration

Published: Mar 14, 2005 - 03:30 PM
Read more about TigerLAN 8 - Pre-Registration
(182 more word(s))
Articles: TigerLAN 8 - Announcements

Read the thread here:
TigerLAN 8 Scheudule of Events can be read here:
TigerLAN 8 Interactive Room Demo:
TigerLAN 8
19 March 2005
9:00 AM - Midnight
Room 217 (Exhibit Lounge)
Foy Student Union
Auburn Univeristy
Auburn, Alabama
Donations: $5 to game, $5 to compete (gives access to all competitions)
Ladies game for free!
Snacks provided, projectors on-hand, multiple TVs, multiple consoles, lots of power, fast network, wireless Internet availabe.
Published: Mar 10, 2005 - 10:40 PM
Articles: Organizational Meeting - Friday, 21 Jan 2005

At this O-Meeting we will be voting on officers (except President) and the other usual stuff; games, image changes, suggestions, TigerLAN, etc. Everyone is asked to participate. If you can not attend then you can still make suggestions and votes by proxy or via the list/forums.
Published: Jan 06, 2005 - 02:12 PM
Articles: TigerLAN 8 Date Announced

19 March 2005
10:00 AM - Midnight
Room 217 (Exhibit Lounge)
Foy Student Union
Auburn University
Auburn, Alabama
$5 to play, $5 to compete.
Spread the word.
Published: Nov 18, 2004 - 08:32 PM