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Articles: Results of November 2004 O-Meeting

Games to remove: Rise of Nations (after KotN is finished with it), Stronghold

Games to add: Warlords Battlecry 3, Postal 2 (Nov. Officers' Game), and as space allows--Original UT, Serious Sam: The Second Encounter,

Image will be at least:

Call of Duty

Call of Duty: United Offensive

Worms: Armageddon



Live for Speed

Warlords Battlecry 3

Rise of Nations (for a week)

Postal 2: Share the Pain

Wings of War (I think that's the game name)

Mechwarrior 4 - Vengance, Black Knight(, Mercs?)

Published: Nov 07, 2004 - 04:38 PM

Articles: Organizational Meeting This Friday (Nov 5, 2004)

As usual, there will be an organizational meeting at 8:00PM this Friday 5 Novemember 2004 for the AU Computer Gaming Club. It will be in Haley Center 3233 (the same room as the meetings). Gaming will stop for about an hour and then start back up afterwards.

This meeting will cover suggestions for game changes, game purchases, a TigerLAN review, and any other general suggestions and questions. This meeting will be open for all members and everyone is asked to attend so that your voice is heard. If you are unable to attend please remember that suggestions and votes can be done by proxy if you wish.

Published: Nov 01, 2004 - 08:54 AM

Articles: TigerLAN 7 Review

TigerLAN 7 has now passed. Despite a few tournament bumps everything went spectacular! Lots of games were played, lots of prizes were given out, lots of fun was had. We're already looking up dates for TigerLAN 8 so be looking for the poll soon.

We declared the best overall performance at this semester's TigerLAN went to 'Ehgret' who showed he could handle is own in several game types and still remain a good sport the entire time. He recieved a gift certificate from Rhino Games in Opelika for his performance. A similar prize for a similar reason will also go to 'Vise the Stompy' next time he shows up to an AUCGC meeting. Congrats.

Competition results and pictures from TL7 should be posted over the next few days in the forums. We hope everyone had as much fun playing it as we did throwing it. Don't forget the weekly Computer Gaming Club meetings in Haley Center 3233 at 7pm!

Cheers and thanks again to all of our wonderful attendees and sponsors!

Published: Nov 01, 2004 - 08:49 AM

Articles: TigerLAN 7 Pre-registration

You can pre-register for TigerLAN 7 now. It's not automated, but we'll work on that. Read more to find the details.

Published: Oct 11, 2004 - 06:06 AM
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Articles: TigerLAN 7 - Tentative Competitions

These are the tentative competitions for TigerLAN 7. Note that more games than this will be played but these are the ones that prizes will definately be given away for.

Rise of Nations - Diplomacy, 1 hour

Unreal Tournament 2004 - Deathmatch

Need for Speed: Underground - All-around points ladder

Super Smash Brothers Melee - 1v1

Halo - Slayer Pro

Fighter: TBA - 1v1

Some exhibitions planned:

Burnout 3

Super Mario Kart: Double Dash

Actual competition details will be announced later.

Hit the forums if you want to suggest something else or voice ideas for the rules or anything of that nature.

A note on Counter-Strike (or the lack thereof): If we are contacted by at least 5 teams, each able to bring 5 people for a CS 1.5 game then we will hold a Counter-Strike competition. The prizes will be worth it. The deadline for all 5 contacts is October 21st.

Published: Oct 04, 2004 - 08:43 AM

Articles: TigerLAN 7 Interactive Room Demo

The room layout for TigerLAN 7 has been finalized. There has also been an interactive demo of the room created. The demo will show you everything from the layout to the location of power strips and major advertising spots. There is even a layer that allows you to see what people walking past the room will see.

Currently the demo is fairly primative, there will be more added to it. The first addition will probably be the network layout.

Enjoy: http://www.augamers.org/roomdemo/

Published: Sep 27, 2004 - 05:01 PM

Articles: TigerLAN 7 Rolling

TigerLAN 7 has started rolling along. Potential sponsors are being contacted, games are being decided, flyers are being made, et al. TigerLAN is on Saturday, October 30. Be sure to free your calendar and those of all your friends! It's almost time for the eighth consecutive TigerLAN gaming fun!

Now get the forums hopping! We want feedback to improve your experience at TigerLAN 7!

Published: Sep 17, 2004 - 05:04 PM

Articles: Classes Cancelled Due to Ivan

Auburn University has cancelled classes for the rest of the week (09-15-2004 to 09-17-2004) due to the threat of hurricane Ivan. It truly is Ivan the Terrible and Ivan the Great rolled into one giant storm.

Weather and admin permitting we will still meet this Friday for our regular Gamers' club meeting. Keep an eye out for an edit on this news post to tell if we are to meet this Friday.

EDIT: No Gamers' meeting this Friday and no image work today.

Published: Sep 15, 2004 - 02:58 AM

Articles: No Club Meeting Tonight

Due to a last minute security issue there will be no club meeting tonight.

Published: Sep 10, 2004 - 08:39 PM

Articles: First Article From New Site

This is the first test entry since the site went down after TigerLAN 6.

The site is now back up with outside hosting and an actual domain. AUGamers.org is now ours!

Things are going to start really quick since TigerLAN 7 is coming up Oct 30! So get those forums hopping and we'll start working on content.

A few quick URL hints:

::breaks the bottle::

Published: Sep 08, 2004 - 03:03 AM

Articles: King of the Net Game

This is posted a little late, but:

KotN Game for this week: Unreal Tournament 2003, Deathmatch

Remember, only members get to compete for the spiffy prizes in KotN, so pay your dues!

Published: Feb 12, 2004 - 04:34 PM

Articles: Site Updates

The first in a series of site updates has been unleashed.

First off, there's a few new additions to the sponsors block if you didn't notice. Hopefully there's a few more to come.

Published: Feb 09, 2004 - 01:09 AM
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Articles: First worms now bombs, whats next?

After many grueling hours of trial and error the following changes have been made to the image:

Jedi Knight III: Jedi Academy
Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom
War of the Ring


Giants: Citizens Kabuto
Rallisport Challenge
Combat Flight Simulator 3: Battle of Europe
and most importantly:
Atomic Bomberman!

Published: Feb 08, 2004 - 02:09 AM

Articles: Main Minutes from Feb 2004 O-Meeting

King of the Net Prizes for Spring 2004
1st place: $50 Gift certificate to NewEgg.com
2nd place: $25 Gift certificate to NewEgg.com

King of the Net Games for Spring 2004
Worms: Armageddon (TBA)
Call of Duty (TBA)
Rise of Nations (Standard Victory)
Mechwarrior 4 (Deathmatch)
Unreal Tournament 2003 (Deathmatch)

Images Changes
Remove: Jedi Academy
Add: Giants, AvP Gold
Submit others to the list or to the forums

Gamer's FTP will be replaced by website's Downloads section

Published: Feb 06, 2004 - 08:49 PM

Articles: Worms are afoot

Solo counted to three and threw a holy hand grenade straight into the air, FastBilly never quite grew accustomed to the taste of mad cow flesh, Scorpion ran in fear of Stick's rampant ninja roping abilities... and somehow Raze quietly managed to defiantly lead each game by ... um just sitting there.

We did a pretty good job of welcoming Worms Armageddon to the lab image with many rounds Wed night. I look forward to the upcoming competition, as each gamer comes into his own and learns how to weild the mighty girder.

Published: Feb 05, 2004 - 11:39 AM

Articles: ebaang promotion to increase attendance

A lot of you have probably heard of some fabled gaming center that's recently set up shop right here in Auburn. It's true! Auburn finally has a spacious, accomodating LAN center.

Published: Feb 04, 2004 - 02:53 PM
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Articles: Lab Games Updates

Update the gamers image in the lab. Added Worms: Armageddon and RtcW: Enemy Teritory.

Published: Feb 03, 2004 - 08:58 PM
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Articles: O-meeting this Friday

As most of you know, the club holds an O-meeting on the first friday of every month at 8pm in the lab. This meeting is open to everyone and all members are encouraged to attend. Topics covered in this meeting will be: games to buy, lab image changes, tigerlan, and King of the Net.

Published: Feb 01, 2004 - 09:37 PM

Articles: New Website

Well, the new site is up for beta testing. xero and I are still getting used to the administration of the new site, so expect some bugs here and there. Feel free to e-mail any problems to me at spafffr@auburn.edu. All members of the club are strongly encouraged to register on the site.

Published: Feb 01, 2004 - 09:33 PM

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Auburn, Alabama

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