News » Website
Website: TigerLAN 20 polls are now up!
It kinda makes me sad to see that 19's voting was 2 news messages ago...people should post more. Anyway...Voting ends March 30!
Published: Mar 08, 2011 - 01:33 PM
Website: PMing Issues
The PM button in the forums isn't working correctly for the time being. In order to send a message, you'll have to use the "My Messages" link in the left menu. We'll let you know when this hitch is fixed.
Published: Jan 16, 2011 - 02:42 PM
Website: Site Maintenance Mostly Complete - Site Active Again
The website is back up from its maintenance. Some fairly massive upgrades took place. There are still a few bugs in some of the links that we know about and those will be taken care of over the course of the upcoming week. The new look of the site is not permanent either, it will be getting a few tweaks soon starting with the column widths so that you can actually read the forums.If there are any issues that are preventing you from using a feature, then either message jokeyxero or start a topic here.
Published: Sep 09, 2010 - 02:46 AM
Website: Site Down Tonight for Maintenance
The website will be down a few hours tonight for maintenance.
Published: Sep 07, 2010 - 09:08 PM
Website: IMPORTANT: Keeping the AUCGC member roster up-to-date
All users, old and new! If you have not yet, go to this topic. If you don't, we can't keep an accurate list of who is a member of the Auburn University Computer Gaming Club. Thank you for your cooperation.
Published: Aug 25, 2010 - 12:26 AM
Website: Website Outage
The AUGamers website was down yesterday due to a DNS glitch at the hosting provider. Then when it came back up, some may have noticed that all updates since 28 Sept were missing. That was due to a server migration issue. Everything is back up and running now and should be current as of the time it went down due to the DNS glitch (early morning 15 Oct). Sorry for the interruption, especially so close to TigerLAN.
Published: Oct 16, 2008 - 01:09 PM
Website: Server Upgrades
The web server will be down for upgrades for about an hour on 14 June 2007 starting at 23:00 CDT.The web site will be unavailable during this time period, but should be back up and running right afterwards.
Published: Jun 13, 2007 - 04:02 PM
Website: Small Site Updates and Fixes
There have been a few small changes to the site.Some small style changes and a few security fixes.
If you experience any problems with the site, let us know.
Published: Jun 01, 2005 - 05:09 PM
Website: Forums Are Back
The forums are now active again! If you find any errors or bugs then let one of the moderators/officers know. The forums software is technically in beta and we want to keep it error free.
Published: Sep 24, 2004 - 10:33 PM
Website: Forums Should Be Back Up Soon
After harrassing the developers of PNphpBB2 for the last week I've been told that "baring something unexpected happening, [PNphpBB2 v1.2g for PostNuke 0.75] should be out by [25 Sept 2004]."This translates into the forums being back up by Sunday (hopefully).
Published: Sep 22, 2004 - 03:42 PM
Read more about Forums Should Be Back Up Soon
(162 more word(s))
Website: Site Upgrades and Temporary Feature Downtimes
Switched the site backend to PostNuke for security and scalability issues. Having an issue with the forums currently. Will have a proper skin for the site soon as well. If you find something not working please email the admins.Sorry for the snafu.
In the meantime: TigerLAN FAQ
Published: Sep 19, 2004 - 09:44 AM
Website: Added Compression_Bland Theme
It needs a little tweaking, but the Bland version of the AUCGC Compression theme set is up and set as the default theme for the site.Feedback? [Click below]
Published: Sep 09, 2004 - 05:05 AM