AU Computer Gaming Club

Game Reviews - Perimeter - 3/5

Stick - Sep 30, 2004 - 07:42 PM
Post subject: Perimeter - 3/5
Ok, this game started out very cool. An RTS with some twists:
twist #1: your attack units can only be ordered as a group. You start with one group, and can only add them if you build the appropriate building in your base, (to a maximum of 5 groups, I think). Each group can only consist of one type of unit at a time, but the group is able to morph into different types of units, depending on what you need them for.

-result: I like it, I get bored and or exhausted in RTS when the amount of units starts to ramp up to infinity. You have to use your units more wisely, and have some interesting tactical decisions to make.

twist #2: Everything in your base must be within range of a power source.

-result: I really like this, reminds me of one of my all time favorites, M.A.X. There are going to be inherent weaknesses in your base. When attack you can choose to pelt the fixed gun structures, or try to knock out a link in their powerchain

twist #3: Only one resource. that resource depends directly on the size of your base

-result: You are forced to expand, and you will probably leave some holes in your defense that the attacker can exploit. I like this to. It's no fun if defense is too easy.

Anyhow, I was really enjoying myself on the single player campaign for a few days. Then I hit a tough mission. There are some units that tunnel underground and attack the enemy base by weakening the buildings' foundations (pretty clever). Unfortunately, they are really hard to defend against.
I looked up in the Codemaster forums and see that the underground defense is indeed way underpowered. Also it was generally agreed that the online play was buggy. There are some design issues that make the management more tedious than it needs to be, etc, etc,... anyway, I have other games to play, and this one started to lose it's golden shine, so it will take back seat on my joyride for a little while:

Final verdict: This game has some really cool potential, and is fun as it stands. A patch is due out, and we'll wait to see what it fixes/adds. Right now I give it 3/5, but it could easily get 4/5 if the patch is good.

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