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Location: Woodstock, GA
1 Post subject: TigerLAN 9 - Competition Rules  PostPosted: Oct 26, 2005 - 04:03 AM
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We ask that everyone have their games ready to go five minutes prior to the start of the competition.
We also ask that you have available (or installed) the lastest patches as of 4 November 2005 11:59 PM, but please no later than that date.

There is a conditional competition setup this semester.
The Battle for Middle Earth competition will take place only if it has enough people signed up for it.
If it does not have enough people then it will be replaced by UT2004.
If both of them have enough interest, then they both will take place and there will be a tighter competition schedule.

14:00-15:00 Battle for Middle Earth (PC) (If Interest)
14:00-15:00 Unreal Tournament 2004 Deathmatch (PC) (Tentative, Alternate: 18:00-19:00)
15:00-16:00 Burnout 3 (PS2)
16:00-17:00 Super Smash Brothers Melee (Gamecube)
19:00-20:00 Half-Life 2 Deathmatch (PC)
20:00-21:00 Halo 2 (XBox)

If possible all games will have a dedicated server.
Must be signed up for competition 30min prior to start.
Competitions will start no more than 10 minutes late.
Competitions may overlap if needed, likewise they may end early.
Anyone found cheating or causing unwarranted disturbance will be disqualifed and possibly removed from the LAN.

Game: Battle for Middle Earth (If Interest)
Platform: PC
Time: 14:00-15:00 (If Interest)
Format: Default Free-For-All settings.
Most points at end of game or after 1 hour wins.

Game: Unreal Tournament 2004
Platform: PC
Time: 14:00-15:00 As Replacement - 18:00-19:00 As Standalone
Format: Default Deathmatch FFA settings.
Three maps, each to 25 kills.
Random maps based on number of participants.
Total kills across maps wins.
Ties resolved by 5 kill round, random small map.

Game: Burnout 3
Platform: PS2
Time: 15:00-16:00
Format: Road Rage
Different random map for each level of the brackets.
Rules depend on number of players but choices are:
< 10 - 1v1 Double elimination.
> 10 - 1v1 Single elimination.

Game: Super Smash Brothers Melee
Platform: Gamecube
Time: 16:00-17:00
Format: All characters playable.
All items, medium dispersal.
Time limited games.
Rules depend on number of players but choices are:
< 9 - 1v1 Double elimination. 2min.
9-16 - 1v1 Single elimination. 2min.
> 16 - 1v1v1v1 Single elimination, top 2 advance. 2-5min.

Game: Half-Life 2 Deathmatch
Platform: PC
Time: 19:00-20:00
Format: Default Deathmatch settings.
Three maps, each to 25 kills.
Random maps based on number of participants.
Final map will be in a custom map of Foy Student Union (provided it is finished in time).
Total kills across maps wins.
Ties resolved by 5 kill round, random small map.

Game: Halo 2
Platform: XBox
Time: 20:00-21:00
Format: Default Slayer Pro setup.
Most kills after 1 hour of play wins.
Each map is to 25 kills, random maps.
Ties resolved by 5 kill round, random small map.

· xero
Webmaster - AU Computer Gaming Club

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Post subject:   PostPosted: Oct 27, 2005 - 02:53 AM
Sniper on the Hill
Sniper on the Hill

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what exactly is slayer pro in halo 2? I didn't think there was one? is that just Battle Rifle Start?
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Post subject: lol noobs  PostPosted: Oct 27, 2005 - 02:25 PM

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14:00-15:00 Battle for Middle Earth (PC) (If Interest)

how about

14:00-15:00 Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (PC)
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Post subject: RE: lol noobs  PostPosted: Oct 27, 2005 - 04:35 PM

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we already voted how many times does this have to be discussed?

Don't listen to me I'm an irrelevant troll.
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Location: Woodstock, GA
Post subject: RE: lol noobs  PostPosted: Oct 27, 2005 - 06:16 PM
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Whatever the equivalent of Slayer Pro in Halo 1 is called in Halo 2 is the game. I forget. It'll be adjusted to the correct wording when I find out ;oP

· xero
Webmaster - AU Computer Gaming Club

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10 Post subject: smash rules  PostPosted: Nov 03, 2005 - 12:49 AM

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hey is was jsut noticing your smash rules...

Normally in the tournaments i go to there is a double elimination (of course depending on the number of players); however it is played best 2 of 3 per match and the games are 4 stock games not timed with no items. Various maps are banned on the descretion of the tournament runners.

These are the way the national and MLG tournaments are set up, i understand if you want to keep you own unique way of running it, its just that when money is involved i'd like to play the most professional way, whlie your set up is a way that we paly to goof around occasionally.

Please don't take offense to my suggestions, I will probably show up either way and have fun, sometimes variety is good, but i would still prefer it the other way. I can send you a copy of the offical MLG rules if you wanted.

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Location: Woodstock, GA
Post subject: RE: smash rules  PostPosted: Nov 03, 2005 - 03:14 AM
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Money isn't directly involved here, though prizes are. There is a major restriction on all of the tournaments at TigerLAN generally (TigerLAN 10 will be an exception) and that is all competitions must fit into an hour time frame. Thus some of the rules we come up with and why we use the term competitions instead of tournaments.

We come up with the rules as a group usually but I personally always say that "if its in the game then it was meant to be used" so I usually shy away from removing certain characters, maps, etc. Though we do try to level the playing field by removing incredibly unbalanced characters (in the case of fighting games) and choosing balanced levels.

In the specific case of Smash Brothers:
We've tried removing the bottom row (to eliminate Roy and Marth's unbalanced nature), turning off items, playing on flat boards, etc. but we felt it just took away from the spirit of the game. This is why we usually go with all items, medium density, Pokémon Stadium, and all characters. PkStadium tests the competitors for one of the unique aspects of SSBM gameplay, the ability to adapt midfight to changing scenery, and also offers a flat plane to fight on every so often, thereby testing reactions and pure fighting skills. The items test that the players know the game, how to use its features, and act as a balancing point when certain characters are overpowered in some way by the other. Because of those two things combined we can open up the entire range of available characters. However, Jigglypuff vs Roy is still going to be a hard fight, but this is why we allow the competitors to change characters between fights, part of being well-rounded is learning other characters and fighting styles and their counters (the items help).

We do actually think these things through, the rules are not arbitrary. ;o)

We always welcome new ideas on how to run the competitions, you have to be able to change to the demands of your attendees.

The point of TigerLAN is to have fun gaming and in the process hopefully find new games or styles of old games that you like. TigerLAN is not the platform to come show off how much you 0wn everyone at a certain game, it is however the platform to come and have fun, meet new people, and you happen to get to prove that you're better than the others there in a formal way, and happen to get rewarded for it also.

Full scale tournaments tend to get very PC and trim everything down to where it everyone is mostly satisfied but they also end up testing a very niche set of skills in the game in question. This tends to cause tempers to flare and people to stop enjoying themselves. I'd personally (and I think the club officers may be with me on this) rather have less people attend and all of them have fun and leave having enjoyed a day than tons of people show up and a good portion of them leave pissed off, especially because of some silly competition.

I'm long-winded, but the point is to have fun and happen to get rewarded for being good the process; and that's the major reasoning behind everything at TigerLAN.

· xero
Webmaster - AU Computer Gaming Club

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Post subject: RE: smash rules  PostPosted: Nov 03, 2005 - 05:37 AM

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I still say we should do coin battles on fzero mute city.
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Location: Woodstock, GA
Post subject: RE: smash rules  PostPosted: Nov 04, 2005 - 04:12 AM
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I do like the idea, but I don't think its as well rounded as our current setup.

· xero
Webmaster - AU Computer Gaming Club

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